Technology has changed this world so much that I don’t get cards and handwritten letters anymore. All I get are PMs, FB wall messages, email and SMS!
I miss receiving and sending handwritten letters. Back in college, I used to write letters/notes for Ruthie and Mimi almost everyday. They also reply to me the next day with their own letters. I kept hundreds of those in a shoe box at home. Sometimes, I read them and look back at how simple our lives were. All we ever thought about were – surviving college and seeing our crushes hahaha. Haaay good times.
This Christmas, I plan to send greeting cards via snail mails to my dear friends (HS and college friends), maybe not handwritten letters anymore, but I’ll use photoaffections for photo christmas cards . I got the idea from Lizzie. A few years back, she sent me a nice card with a picture of her family and I felt really touched when I saw it. I think it’ll be nice if I surprise my friends with the same thing. My only concern now is how to get their home addresses.